Back Pains and Arthritis

The Facts

Lower back pain affects the part of the spine called the lumbar vertebrae, which are made up of five bones. The vertebrae protect the nerves of the spinal cord. Between each vertebra are discs that act as shock absorbers and allow the spine to be flexible.

For most people with back pain, a specific cause can’t be found; this is called nonspecific lower back pain. Low back injuries can be caused by muscle strain, muscle spasm, ligament sprain, joint problems, or a slipped disc. Lower back pain can also result if there is damage to the nerves protected by the lumbar vertebrae. Many conditions, such as pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis (a progressive, chronic condition that causes the lining of your joints or other body areas to become inflamed), osteoarthritis (a joint disease that causes the cartilage to break down and bone to overgrow or form cysts), fibromyalgia (pain in the fibrous tissues of the body, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments), ankylosing spondylitis (a type of arthritis that causes inflammation in the joints of the spine), and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the open spaces in the spine) can cause back pain.


Read more about lower back pain and conditions that can cause lower back pain by clicking the links below.