Don't suffer from psoriasis in silence

Not sure whether you might have psoriasis?

Here are some common psoriasis symptoms:

  • bright red, raised patches covered with silvery scales on the skin or scalp
  • itching of the skin or scalp
  • nail changes (such as yellowing or pits)

This list does not include all possible psoriasis symptoms, and not all people with these symptoms have psoriasis. Only a doctor can tell for sure. If you think you might have psoriasis, get it checked by your doctor. You don't have to put up with the symptoms - psoriasis can be treated!

Is your psoriasis out of control?
Talking to your doctor or pharmacist can help you get to the bottom of what's going on. Here are some reasons why your psoriasis might be acting up:

  • Some treatments take weeks or months to work. The effects of your treatment may not have "kicked in" yet. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if there is anything you can do to bridge the gap until your treatment starts to work.
  • Certain triggers can make psoriasis symptoms flare up. Everyone has different triggers, but some common triggers include skin injuries, stress, cold dry weather, medications, and hormonal changes. Your doctor or pharmacist may be able to help you identify your triggers.
  • Your treatment may not be strong enough to handle your psoriasis, or your psoriasis may have become worse since you were first diagnosed. There are different treatments for mild, moderate, and severe psoriasis. If your treatment doesn't seem to be working, check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if you need a stronger treatment (which could mean changing medications or adding another medication).

Your doctor or pharmacist can help you take control of your psoriasis. If you have questions or concerns, be sure to get in touch with them.

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