Finding the reimbursement you need

If you have been prescribed a new medication for MS, it's time to take stock of your drug insurance. You will need to find out:

  • Which drug insurance plans are you eligible for? Most Canadians have some type of drug coverage, either through private plans or provincial government plans. To learn more about drug insurance plans, see "Introduction to MS medication reimbursement."
  • Does your drug insurance cover the medication? Contact your insurance company to find out if they cover the medication and, if so, whether there are any limits on coverage such as deductibles, co-payments, or caps (for more information on what these terms mean, see "Reimbursement: Speaking the language").
  • What do you need to do in order to get funding for the medication? Some plans cover medications automatically, while others require your doctor to submit an application before you can get coverage.
  • Does your pharmacy have the medication in stock? It's a good idea to give your pharmacy a week's notice before bringing in your prescription, as not all pharmacies carry all MS medications, and they may need to place a special order.

Many pharmaceutical companies offer special support programs that help you determine whether you are eligible for MS medication insurance coverage, understand your coverage, and apply for coverage. Some programs even arrange for home delivery of your medication.

You can also contact your local chapter of the MS Society of Canada to learn more about government-funded medication coverage available in your province.

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